Weebly Website Builder
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SSL Certificates

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Produtos para Todos os Negócios

Website Hosting

Website Hosting Made Simple

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$5.99USD por mês

WordPress Hosting

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Começando às
$5.99USD por mês

Expert design services, now 30% off.

Building a Website Has Never Been Easier

Create the perfect site with powerful drag and drop tools

Engaging design & copy

eCommerce Features

SEO optimized

Unlimited Pages

Nossas Garantias

Saiba por que temos a confiança de mais de 35.000 clientes em todo o mundo

Suporte Especializado 24/7

Monitora proativamente e alerta você sobre qualquer malware detectado em seu site.

Rápido & Confiável

Se uma verificação encontrar algo, o SiteLock removerá automaticamente qualquer malware conhecido com segurança.

Super Fácil de Usar

Verifica automaticamente seus aplicativos para garantir que estejam atualizados e protegidos contra vulnerabilidades conhecidas.

Garantia de 100% de Uptime

Obtenha proteção contra as 10 principais falhas de segurança de aplicativos da Web reconhecidas pelo OWASP, o Open Web Application Security Project.

Servidores Seguros

O TrueShield™ Web Application Firewall protege seu site contra hackers e ataques.

Garantia de Reembolso

As verificações diárias ajudam a detectar malware antes que os mecanismos de pesquisa tenham a chance de encontrá-lo e colocar seu site na lista negra.

Alta Perfomance

A configuração instantânea e totalmente automatizada oferece proteção imediata sem nada para instalar.

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Acelere seu site distribuindo-o globalmente e servindo-o aos seus visitantes do local mais próximo para velocidades de carregamento de página mais rápidas onde quer que estejam.


Saiba por que temos a confiança de mais de 35.000 clientes em todo o mundo

Now in my fourth year with Surge Hosting, fortunately it is quite a long time since I needed any support with my sites. However, when I did that support was provided quickly and effectively. The continued benefit provided by the suite of plugins in Surge Hosting optimized is especially useful on my WordPress sites.

Sonia Stephens
Sonia Stephens

I had a peculiar, unusual problem with my WordPress installation. I submitted my ticket to Support and had, not only a reply, but a fix within the hour and this was at the beginning of the weekend on Friday night! EXCELLENT SERVICE. Five Stars all the way. Thank you. - Alexandra.

John Doe
John Doe

Surge Hosting has been a great host for numerous WordPress sites that have Turbo Boost servers, as well as a reseller sever for our smaller clients. The servers are fast, the software abilities inside the server are wonderful and their phone support is fantastic.

Alexandra Chapman
Alexandra Chapman

The Migration worked exceedingly well. Not only were my files migrated, but my databases were loaded too. So WordPress and some personal stuff worked.

James Bond
James Bond

Surge Hosting Hosting provides the best WordPress hosting on the market today. They are always available to assist when there is an issue and work tirelessly to resolve and Turbo is a plus!.

Alice Smith
Alice Smith

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